👤 Dylan A. Lucia
🎒 CMPS6160 - Intro to Data Science
🏫 Tulane University
The project webpage is live here.
Did you know that the World Health Organization identified that one in five men in the Americas won't even live to see the age of 50? Many factors may cause this, but an undeniable one is masculinity.
This project is intended to explore the societal concept of masculinity. Masculinity is defined by Merriam-Webster as "the degree of being masculine or manly." [1]
mas·cu·lin·i·ty /ma-skyə-ˈli-nə-tē/ [noun] : the quality or nature of the male sex : the quality, state, or degree of being masculine or manly
However, just by perusing the internet or speaking with the general public, you may hear in these modern times that the traditional views of masculinity are unhealthy and perpetuate dangerous stereotypes, behaviors, or attitudes in and of male-identifying or male-presenting people. Collectively, this is commonly referred to as toxic masculinity. According to the New York Times, "toxic masculinity is what can come of teaching boys that they can't express emotion openly; that they have to be 'tough all the time'; that anything other than that makes them 'feminine' or weak. (No, it doesn't mean that all men are inherently toxic.)" [2]
Relatedly, even though men across the world benefit from many aspects of male privilege, such as better opportunities, access to wealth & power, and other artifacts from the history of women's oppression, the World Health Organization (WHO) points out that male privilege does not lead to better health outcomes. They cite that men's poorer survival rates are due to many factors, including higher levels of occupational hazards, risk-taking, and (due to unhealthy norms regarding masculinity) an aversion to seek medical help or report disease symptoms during medical check-ups. [3]
"[Toxic masculinity is] contributing to higher rates of suicide, homicide, addictions, and road traffic accidents, as well as chronic noncommunicable diseases among men." —PAHO
A report from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), an agency within the United Nations (UN) and a child of the World Health Organization (WHO), even found that men in the Americas live nearly 6 years less than women. PAHO cites that, "societal expectations of men to be providers, to engage in risk-seeking behaviors, to be sexually dominant, and to avoid discussing their emotions or seeking help—behaviors commonly referred to as 'toxic masculinity'—are contributing to higher rates of suicide, homicide, addictions, and road traffic accidents, as well as chronic noncommunicable diseases among men." [4]
Due to the effect toxic masculinity is impressing upon societal health, it is important to explore the nature of toxic masculinity, where it stems from, and what we can learn moving forward.
The primary source of data for this project is sourced from a survey conducted by FiveThirtyEight. [5]
Additionally, state politics will need to be explored. A simplified method of representing state politics is using presidential election results. The Federal Election Commission (FEC), publishes the data regarding election finances and results to the country. [6]
These datasets are correct because:
As I was registered for this course at the graduate level, I was tasked with completing this project individually. However, that did not mean I did not collaborate with others throughout the course of the project. For example, I greatly utilized the instructional knowledge of my course instructor, Dr. Aron Culotta. I also spoke with some other students in the class and garnered feedback during a presentation I gave about my progress after Milestone 2.
# ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
# ╙─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╜
# │ Name: Dylan A. Lucia │
# │ Course: CMPS6160 - Intro to Data Science │
# │ Semester: Fa23 │
# └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
import pandas as pd # we will need pandas for use of dataframes, etc.
# in this project; reference [7]
!pip install openpyxl # Need this library to handle Excel files; reference [14]
from openpyxl import load_workbook
import numpy as np # we will need numpy; reference [8]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # additionally, we will need plotting
# capabilities; reference [9]
import seaborn as sns # additional plotting capabilities; reference [10]
!pip install us # get state naming data from the us library; reference [11]
import us # import it
us.DC_STATEHOOD=1 # treat Washington, D.C. as a state
!pip install plotly-express # additional plotting capabilities; reference [13]
import plotly.express as px # import plotly express
#from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode, iplot, plot
#import plotly.offline as py
Requirement already satisfied: openpyxl in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (3.1.2) Requirement already satisfied: et-xmlfile in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from openpyxl) (1.1.0) Requirement already satisfied: us in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (3.1.1) Requirement already satisfied: jellyfish==0.11.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from us) (0.11.2) Requirement already satisfied: plotly-express in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (0.4.1) Requirement already satisfied: pandas>=0.20.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from plotly-express) (1.5.3) Requirement already satisfied: plotly>=4.1.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from plotly-express) (5.15.0) Requirement already satisfied: statsmodels>=0.9.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from plotly-express) (0.14.0) Requirement already satisfied: scipy>=0.18 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from plotly-express) (1.11.4) Requirement already satisfied: patsy>=0.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from plotly-express) (0.5.4) Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.11 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from plotly-express) (1.23.5) Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.8.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pandas>=0.20.0->plotly-express) (2.8.2) Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2020.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pandas>=0.20.0->plotly-express) (2023.3.post1) Requirement already satisfied: six in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from patsy>=0.5->plotly-express) (1.16.0) Requirement already satisfied: tenacity>=6.2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from plotly>=4.1.0->plotly-express) (8.2.3) Requirement already satisfied: packaging in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from plotly>=4.1.0->plotly-express) (23.2)
We first need to get the published data into our Python Notebook.
The masculinity survey conducted by FiveThirtyEight asked 1,600+ men over the age of 18 thirty questions related to masculinity, their demographics, the #MeToo movement, etc. FivethirtyEight publishes all of their data on Github, which is how we will access it.
Originally, I began by cloning the FiveThirtyEight repo, but it took a long time each time I wanted to load the data because there was so much data in it. Instead, in the following line, I have utilized Pandas' method of importing the csv directly from the host URL.
masc_raw_df = pd.read_csv('https://github.com/fivethirtyeight/data/raw/master/masculinity-survey/raw-responses.csv') # save the raw survey data in a DataFrame
masc_raw_df.head(1) # Check if import worked
Unnamed: 0 | StartDate | EndDate | q0001 | q0002 | q0004_0001 | q0004_0002 | q0004_0003 | q0004_0004 | q0004_0005 | ... | q0035 | q0036 | race2 | racethn4 | educ3 | educ4 | age3 | kids | orientation | weight | |
0 | 1 | 5/10/18 4:01 | 5/10/18 4:06 | Somewhat masculine | Somewhat important | Not selected | Not selected | Not selected | Pop culture | Not selected | ... | Middle Atlantic | Windows Desktop / Laptop | Non-white | Hispanic | College or more | College or more | 35 - 64 | No children | Gay/Bisexual | 1.714026 |
1 rows × 98 columns
The data seems to have imported correctly! However, we can see that the headers are all hard to understand (What does "q0004_0003" mean, for example??). We will need to clean up the data so we can understand it a little bit more.
The FEC publishes the data of election results as a PDF booklet, or an Excel file with many worksheets. In this specific Excel file, we will start with just the data in one of the worksheets, which is titled Table 2. Electoral & Pop Vote
This worksheet is structured like the following sample.
- | ||||||
Trump (R) | Clinton (D) | Trump (R) | Clinton (D) | All Others | Total Vote | |
AL | 9 | 1,318,255 | 729,547 | 75,570 | 2,123,372 | |
AK | 3 | 163,387 | 116,454 | 38,767 | 318,608 | |
AZ | 11 | 1,252,401 | 1,161,167 | 159,597 | 2,573,165 | |
AR | 6 | 684,872 | 380,494 | 65,310 | 1,130,676 | |
CA | 55 | 4,483,814 | 8,753,792 | 943,998 | 14,181,604 | |
$\vdots$ | $\vdots$ | $\vdots$ | $\vdots$ | $\vdots$ | $\vdots$ | $\vdots$ |
elec16_raw_df = pd.read_excel('https://www.fec.gov/documents/1890/federalelections2016.xlsx',
sheet_name='Table 2. Electoral & Pop Vote',
header=3) # save the raw excel 2016 election
# data in a DataFrame starting with the
# 3rd row
elec16_raw_df.head(3) # let's check if the data imported correctly
Unnamed: 0 | Trump (R) | Clinton (D) | Trump (R).1 | Clinton (D).1 | All Others | Total Vote | |
0 | AL | 9 | NaN | 1318255.0 | 729547.0 | 75570.0 | 2123372.0 |
1 | AK | 3 | NaN | 163387.0 | 116454.0 | 38767.0 | 318608.0 |
2 | AZ | 11 | NaN | 1252401.0 | 1161167.0 | 159597.0 | 2573165.0 |
This DataFrame is also a little "ugly." It has strange headers and the integers were interpreted as floats for some reason.
The raw data's DataFrames are a little unweildy. Let's tidy/clean them up.
¶Some of the things we need to do to tidy this are:
masc_raw_df.replace('Not selected', np.NaN, inplace=True) # replace instances where someone didn't answer the question with a NaN
masc_raw_df.replace('No answer', np.NaN, inplace=True) # Same as previous line
masc_raw_df['StartDate'] = pd.to_datetime(masc_raw_df['StartDate']) #convert to a datetime
masc_raw_df['EndDate'] = pd.to_datetime(masc_raw_df['EndDate']) # convert to a datetime
renames = {'q0001' : 'manly_you_feel', #create a dict to rename headers with
'q0002' : 'important_seen_manly',
'q0004_0001' : 'where_good_man_father',
'q0004_0002' : 'where_good_man_mother',
'q0004_0003' : 'where_good_man_family',
'q0004_0004' : 'where_good_man_popculture',
'q0004_0005' : 'where_good_man_friends',
'q0004_0006' : 'where_good_man_other',
'q0005' : 'society_unhealthy_pressure',
'q0007_0001' : 'often_friend_prof_advice',
'q0007_0002' : 'often_friend_pers_advice',
'q0007_0003' : 'often_phys_affect_friends',
'q0007_0004' : 'often_cry',
'q0007_0005' : 'often_phys_fight',
'q0007_0006' : 'often_sex_women',
'q0007_0007' : 'often_sex_men',
'q0007_0008' : 'often_watch_sports',
'q0007_0009' : 'often_exercise',
'q0007_0010' : 'often_therapist',
'q0007_0011' : 'often_feel_lonely',
'q0008_0001' : 'worry_height',
'q0008_0002' : 'worry_weight',
'q0008_0003' : 'worry_hair',
'q0008_0004' : 'worry_physique',
'q0008_0005' : 'worry_genitals',
'q0008_0006' : 'worry_style',
'q0008_0007' : 'worry_sex',
'q0008_0008' : 'worry_ment_health',
'q0008_0009' : 'worry_phys_health',
'q0008_0010' : 'worry_finance',
'q0008_0011' : 'worry_provide',
'q0008_0012' : 'worry_none',
'q0009' : 'employment_status',
'q0010_0001' : 'advantage_money',
'q0010_0002' : 'advantage_seriously',
'q0010_0003' : 'advantage_choice',
'q0010_0004' : 'advantage_promotion',
'q0010_0005' : 'advantage_praise',
'q0010_0006' : 'advantage_support',
'q0010_0007' : 'advantage_other',
'q0010_0008' : 'advantage_none',
'q0011_0001' : 'disadvantage_hire_women',
'q0011_0002' : 'disadvantage_accused_sexharass',
'q0011_0003' : 'disadvantage_accused_sexistracist',
'q0011_0004' : 'disadvantage_other',
'q0011_0005' : 'disadvantage_none',
'q0012_0001' : 'seenharassment_confront',
'q0012_0002' : 'seenharassment_hr',
'q0012_0003' : 'seenharassment_manager',
'q0012_0004' : 'seenharassment_victim',
'q0012_0005' : 'seenharassment_nothing',
'q0012_0006' : 'seenharassment_neversee',
'q0012_0007' : 'seenharassment_other',
'q0013' : 'why_no_response',
'q0014' : 'heard_metoo',
'q0015' : 'behavior_work_metoo',
'q0017' : 'first_move',
'q0018' : 'try_pay_date',
'q0019_0001' : 'whypay_right',
'q0019_0002' : 'whypay_makemore',
'q0019_0003' : 'whypay_feelgood',
'q0019_0004' : 'whypay_societalexpectations',
'q0019_0005' : 'whypay_inviterobligation',
'q0019_0006' : 'whypay_seeifdateoffers',
'q0019_0007' : 'whypay_other',
'q0020_0001' : 'physinterest_bodylanguage',
'q0020_0002' : 'physinterest_verbalconsent',
'q0020_0003' : 'physinterest_makemove',
'q0020_0004' : 'physinterest_different',
'q0020_0005' : 'physinterest_unclear',
'q0020_0006' : 'physinterest_other',
'q0021_0001' : 'sexboundaries_wonderpushedtoofar',
'q0021_0002' : 'sexboundaries_talkedpushedtoofar',
'q0021_0003' : 'sexboundaries_askedpartnerpushedtoofar',
'q0021_0004' : 'sexboundaries_none',
'q0022' : 'changed_romantic_behavior_metoo',
'q0024' : 'demog_married',
'q0025_0001' : 'demog_minorchildren',
'q0025_0002' : 'demog_adultchildren',
'q0025_0003' : 'demog_nokids',
'q0026' : 'demog_sexualorientation',
'q0028' : 'demog_race',
'q0029' : 'demog_education',
'q0030' : 'demog_state',
'q0034' : 'demog_income',
'q0035' : 'demog_region',
'q0036' : 'demog_device'}
masc_df = masc_raw_df.rename(columns=renames) # rename the columns
masc_df['duration']=(masc_df['EndDate']-masc_df['StartDate']).dt.total_seconds()/60 # calc duration of survey in min
masc_df.drop(['Unnamed: 0','StartDate','EndDate','weight'], axis=1, inplace=True) # drop unneeded columns
masc_df # check
manly_you_feel | important_seen_manly | where_good_man_father | where_good_man_mother | where_good_man_family | where_good_man_popculture | where_good_man_friends | where_good_man_other | society_unhealthy_pressure | often_friend_prof_advice | ... | demog_region | demog_device | race2 | racethn4 | educ3 | educ4 | age3 | kids | orientation | duration | |
0 | Somewhat masculine | Somewhat important | NaN | NaN | NaN | Pop culture | NaN | NaN | Yes | Often | ... | Middle Atlantic | Windows Desktop / Laptop | Non-white | Hispanic | College or more | College or more | 35 - 64 | No children | Gay/Bisexual | 5.0 |
1 | Somewhat masculine | Somewhat important | Father or father figure(s) | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | Yes | Rarely | ... | East North Central | iOS Phone / Tablet | White | White | Some college | Some college | 65 and up | Has children | Straight | 23.0 |
2 | Very masculine | Not too important | Father or father figure(s) | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | Other (please specify) | No | Sometimes | ... | East North Central | Windows Desktop / Laptop | White | White | College or more | College or more | 35 - 64 | Has children | Straight | 7.0 |
3 | Very masculine | Not too important | Father or father figure(s) | Mother or mother figure(s) | Other family members | NaN | NaN | NaN | No | Rarely | ... | East North Central | Windows Desktop / Laptop | White | White | Some college | Some college | 65 and up | Has children | NaN | 4.0 |
4 | Very masculine | Very important | NaN | NaN | Other family members | NaN | NaN | NaN | Yes | Sometimes | ... | East North Central | Windows Desktop / Laptop | White | White | College or more | College or more | 35 - 64 | No children | Straight | 7.0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
1610 | Not very masculine | Not at all important | Father or father figure(s) | Mother or mother figure(s) | Other family members | Pop culture | Friends | NaN | Yes | Rarely | ... | West North Central | iOS Phone / Tablet | White | White | Some college | Some college | 18 - 34 | No children | Straight | 4.0 |
1611 | Very masculine | Very important | Father or father figure(s) | NaN | Other family members | NaN | NaN | NaN | Yes | Often | ... | NaN | iOS Phone / Tablet | Non-white | Hispanic | High school or less | High school or less | 35 - 64 | Has children | Straight | 9.0 |
1612 | Somewhat masculine | Somewhat important | NaN | Mother or mother figure(s) | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | Yes | NaN | ... | South Atlantic | Windows Desktop / Laptop | White | White | Some college | Some college | 35 - 64 | Has children | Straight | 17.0 |
1613 | Somewhat masculine | Somewhat important | NaN | Mother or mother figure(s) | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | Yes | Sometimes | ... | Mountain | Windows Desktop / Laptop | White | White | High school or less | High school or less | 18 - 34 | No children | Straight | 6.0 |
1614 | Very masculine | Not at all important | Father or father figure(s) | Mother or mother figure(s) | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | No | Often | ... | Middle Atlantic | iOS Phone / Tablet | White | White | Some college | Some college | 18 - 34 | No children | Straight | 5.0 |
1615 rows × 95 columns
Rarely 684 Sometimes 525 Never, but open to it 152 Never, and not open to it 98 Often 65 Name: often_cry, dtype: int64
We now have a (very wide, but) much more understandable DataFrame to work from.
¶Some of the things we need to do to clean this are:
elec16_df = elec16_raw_df.drop(index=list(range(51, 58))).reset_index(drop=True) # drop the bottom rows
renames2 = {'Unnamed: 0' : 'State', # create a dictionary of values to rename
'Trump (R)' : 'Electoral_Trump',
'Clinton (D)' : 'Electoral_Clinton',
'Trump (R).1' : 'Popular_Trump',
'Clinton (D).1' : 'Popular_Clinton',
'All Others' : 'Popular_Others',
'Total Vote' : 'Popular_Total'}
elec16_df.rename(columns=renames2, inplace=True) # rename the cols inplace
# elec16_df.drop(['Electoral_Trump','Electoral_Clinton'], axis=1, inplace=True) # drop the cols we don't need
cols = [col for col in elec16_df.columns if col != 'State']
elec16_df.fillna(0, inplace=True)
for c in cols:
elec16_df[c] = pd.to_numeric(elec16_df[c].astype(str).str.replace('*', ''), errors='coerce').fillna(0).astype(int)
floats = elec16_df.select_dtypes(include='float').columns # select columns that
# are floats
elec16_df[floats] = elec16_df[floats].astype(int) # set them to integer
elec16_df.head(51) # check the DataFrame
<ipython-input-213-589c9c7a9f47>:17: FutureWarning: The default value of regex will change from True to False in a future version. In addition, single character regular expressions will *not* be treated as literal strings when regex=True.
State | Electoral_Trump | Electoral_Clinton | Popular_Trump | Popular_Clinton | Popular_Others | Popular_Total | |
0 | AL | 9 | 0 | 1318255 | 729547 | 75570 | 2123372 |
1 | AK | 3 | 0 | 163387 | 116454 | 38767 | 318608 |
2 | AZ | 11 | 0 | 1252401 | 1161167 | 159597 | 2573165 |
3 | AR | 6 | 0 | 684872 | 380494 | 65310 | 1130676 |
4 | CA | 0 | 55 | 4483814 | 8753792 | 943998 | 14181604 |
5 | CO | 0 | 9 | 1202484 | 1338870 | 238893 | 2780247 |
6 | CT | 0 | 7 | 673215 | 897572 | 74133 | 1644920 |
7 | DE | 0 | 3 | 185127 | 235603 | 23084 | 443814 |
8 | DC | 0 | 3 | 12723 | 282830 | 15715 | 311268 |
9 | FL | 29 | 0 | 4617886 | 4504975 | 297178 | 9420039 |
10 | GA | 16 | 0 | 2089104 | 1877963 | 147665 | 4114732 |
11 | HI | 0 | 3 | 128847 | 266891 | 33199 | 428937 |
12 | ID | 4 | 0 | 409055 | 189765 | 91435 | 690255 |
13 | IL | 0 | 20 | 2146015 | 3090729 | 299680 | 5536424 |
14 | IN | 11 | 0 | 1557286 | 1033126 | 144546 | 2734958 |
15 | IA | 6 | 0 | 800983 | 653669 | 111379 | 1566031 |
16 | KS | 6 | 0 | 671018 | 427005 | 86379 | 1184402 |
17 | KY | 8 | 0 | 1202971 | 628854 | 92324 | 1924149 |
18 | LA | 8 | 0 | 1178638 | 780154 | 70240 | 2029032 |
19 | ME | 1 | 3 | 335593 | 357735 | 54599 | 747927 |
20 | MD | 0 | 10 | 943169 | 1677928 | 160349 | 2781446 |
21 | MA | 0 | 11 | 1090893 | 1995196 | 238957 | 3325046 |
22 | MI | 16 | 0 | 2279543 | 2268839 | 250902 | 4799284 |
23 | MN | 0 | 10 | 1322951 | 1367716 | 254146 | 2944813 |
24 | MS | 6 | 0 | 700714 | 485131 | 23512 | 1209357 |
25 | MO | 10 | 0 | 1594511 | 1071068 | 143026 | 2808605 |
26 | MT | 3 | 0 | 279240 | 177709 | 40198 | 497147 |
27 | NE | 5 | 0 | 495961 | 284494 | 63772 | 844227 |
28 | NV | 0 | 6 | 512058 | 539260 | 74067 | 1125385 |
29 | NH | 0 | 4 | 345790 | 348526 | 49980 | 744296 |
30 | NJ | 0 | 14 | 1601933 | 2148278 | 123835 | 3874046 |
31 | NM | 0 | 5 | 319667 | 385234 | 93418 | 798319 |
32 | NY | 0 | 29 | 2819533 | 4556118 | 345791 | 7721442 |
33 | NC | 15 | 0 | 2362631 | 2189316 | 189617 | 4741564 |
34 | ND | 3 | 0 | 216794 | 93758 | 33808 | 344360 |
35 | OH | 18 | 0 | 2841005 | 2394164 | 261318 | 5496487 |
36 | OK | 7 | 0 | 949136 | 420375 | 83481 | 1452992 |
37 | OR | 0 | 7 | 782403 | 1002106 | 216827 | 2001336 |
38 | PA | 20 | 0 | 2970733 | 2926441 | 268304 | 6165478 |
39 | RI | 0 | 4 | 180543 | 252525 | 31076 | 464144 |
40 | SC | 9 | 0 | 1155389 | 855373 | 92265 | 2103027 |
41 | SD | 3 | 0 | 227721 | 117458 | 24914 | 370093 |
42 | TN | 11 | 0 | 1522925 | 870695 | 114407 | 2508027 |
43 | TX | 36 | 0 | 4685047 | 3877868 | 406311 | 8969226 |
44 | UT | 6 | 0 | 515231 | 310676 | 305523 | 1131430 |
45 | VT | 0 | 3 | 95369 | 178573 | 41125 | 315067 |
46 | VA | 0 | 13 | 1769443 | 1981473 | 233715 | 3984631 |
47 | WA | 0 | 8 | 1221747 | 1742718 | 352554 | 3317019 |
48 | WV | 5 | 0 | 489371 | 188794 | 36258 | 714423 |
49 | WI | 10 | 0 | 1405284 | 1382536 | 188330 | 2976150 |
50 | WY | 3 | 0 | 174419 | 55973 | 25457 | 255849 |
After checking this DataFrame, there are 51 rows, and all of the numbers imported correctly! It is now much more usable.
Let's begin by exploring the Masculinity Survey data.
We can first explore the bare question about whether the respondent feels that society puts pressure on them that they feel is unhealthy. We can make a simple bar plot to visualize.
masc_df['society_unhealthy_pressure'].value_counts().plot.bar() # create a bar plot for a binary question about whether society puts pressure on men
plt.title('Do you think society puts pressure on men that is unhealthy for them?') # title the plot
Text(0, 0.5, 'Count')
It is interesting to see that a not-insignificant number of respondents feel that society does not put unhealthy pressure on them.
Next, we can explore what the distribution of respondents were, by age.
ages=masc_df['age3'] # save ages as var
ages.value_counts() # 538 grouped ages rather than keeping them a raw number, so let's look at the value counts
# From the value counts, we can see that age has been grouped into 3 different categories,
# and as such, we don't have as much fine granularity with it as a metric.
35 - 64 855 65 and up 627 18 - 34 133 Name: age3, dtype: int64
We can see that a large majority of respondents are middle-aged, and then a relatively large selection of the respondents were elderly, and a small selection were younger.
Now, do we have a decent representation of the country? Well, let's see if we can figure out a way to visualize that. We can get the value counts of each state in the responses from the demographic questions.
masc_df['demog_state'].value_counts() # get the value counts of the states.
California 174 Texas 127 Florida 116 New York 98 Illinois 77 Pennsylvania 70 Washington 61 New Jersey 49 Michigan 46 Georgia 45 Ohio 44 Arizona 43 North Carolina 42 Virginia 42 Oregon 41 Wisconsin 39 Minnesota 35 Maryland 31 Indiana 30 Massachusetts 29 Colorado 29 Missouri 27 Nevada 25 Utah 21 Connecticut 20 South Carolina 20 New Mexico 18 Kentucky 17 Alabama 17 Tennessee 17 Kansas 16 Iowa 15 Louisiana 12 West Virginia 11 Nebraska 11 Montana 10 Oklahoma 10 Idaho 10 Maine 9 Hawaii 9 New Hampshire 8 Arkansas 8 Vermont 7 Mississippi 7 Delaware 6 Wyoming 5 Rhode Island 3 Alaska 3 South Dakota 2 North Dakota 2 District of Columbia (DC) 1 Name: demog_state, dtype: int64
Based off pure intuition, it seems to make sense that California, Texas, and Florida have some of the highest response rates. However, a Series like this is hard to visualize. We can try attaching this data to a map of the United States to visualize it. We will need a package from Plotly called plotly-express that lets us create live/interactive plots!
states=masc_df['demog_state'] # save states as a var
statemap = us.states.mapping('abbr', 'name') # create a map of state names/abbreviations
statemap['DC'] = 'District of Columbia (DC)' # for some reason, even though I set DC Statehood to true, I have to manually add it.
statemap_inv = {v: k for k, v in statemap.items()} # this inverts the map created by the us package [ref 12]
masc_df['demog_state2'] = masc_df['demog_state'].map(statemap_inv) # create another column of the state abbreviations
response_counts = masc_df['demog_state2'].value_counts().reset_index() # get response rates
response_counts.columns = ['state_abbrev', 'response_count'] # rename the columns
px.choropleth(response_counts, #create a map of response counts for the data
color_continuous_scale='Greens', # this color scale seems to make it easiest to see
labels={'response_count' : 'Responses', 'state_abbrev' : 'State'},
title='Response Counts by State'
# fig1 = px.choropleth(response_counts, #create a map of response counts for the data
# locations='state_abbrev',
# locationmode='USA-states',
# scope='usa',
# color='response_count',
# color_continuous_scale='Greens', # this color scale seems to make it easiest to see
# labels={'response_count' : 'Responses', 'state_abbrev' : 'State'},
# title='Response Counts by State'
# )
# plot(fig1,show_link = False) # this creates a temp html file to download and manually insert in the overall notebook html export
Well, we can see that there is a pretty heavy skew toward the higher-population states, but it still seems to be a pretty decent distribution of the country.
# sns.countplot(x='q0005', hue='age3', data=df) # I can't get this to work yet
pressure = pd.crosstab(masc_df['society_unhealthy_pressure'],masc_df['age3']) # compute the frequencies
# bewteen age and the response to the question
pressure_yes_no = pressure.div(pressure.sum(axis=0), axis=1) # calc the y/n percentages for each age group
pressure_yes = pressure.loc['Yes'].div(pressure.sum(axis=0)) # calc just the y percent for each age group
pressure_yes.T.plot.bar() # plot
plt.title('Do you think society puts pressure on men that is unhealthy for them?') # title
plt.xlabel('Response'), plt.ylabel('Response Percents') # axis labels
(Text(0.5, 0, 'Response'), Text(0, 0.5, 'Response Percents'))
age3 18 - 34 0.765152 35 - 64 0.603306 65 and up 0.550562 dtype: float64
From a plot such as this, we can see that the younger the age, the more likely to feel that society puts pressure on men that is unhealthy. The most noticeable thing about this plot is that the number of respondents in the retirement-age group is fairly split, as compared to the younger populations.
masc_df['try_pay_date'].value_counts()[["Always","Often","Sometimes","Rarely", "Never"]].plot.bar()
plt.title('How often do you try to be the one who pays on a date?')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'How often do you try to be the one who pays on a date?')
This is interesting because it shows that there is a significant majority of men who try to be the person who pays on a date. This can hopefully be explored more to find out WHY. Maybe if it's extrinsic vs intrinsic.
Later, let's see if we can identify some correlations in survey responses.
masc_df[['duration','demog_state2']].corr() #TK
<ipython-input-221-30bedb661dc4>:1: FutureWarning: The default value of numeric_only in DataFrame.corr is deprecated. In a future version, it will default to False. Select only valid columns or specify the value of numeric_only to silence this warning.
duration | |
duration | 1.0 |
Let's begin exploring the data from the election by figuring out some measures of central tendency.
Electoral_Trump | Electoral_Clinton | Popular_Trump | Popular_Clinton | Popular_Others | Popular_Total | |
count | 51.000000 | 51.000000 | 5.100000e+01 | 5.100000e+01 | 51.000000 | 5.100000e+01 |
mean | 5.960784 | 4.450980 | 1.234997e+06 | 1.291245e+06 | 153547.725490 | 2.679790e+06 |
std | 7.720002 | 9.297986 | 1.142383e+06 | 1.548085e+06 | 153314.934414 | 2.752630e+06 |
min | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 1.272300e+04 | 5.597300e+04 | 15715.000000 | 2.558490e+05 |
25% | 0.000000 | 0.000000 | 3.774225e+05 | 2.975850e+05 | 52289.500000 | 7.461115e+05 |
50% | 3.000000 | 0.000000 | 9.491360e+05 | 7.801540e+05 | 93418.000000 | 2.001336e+06 |
75% | 9.000000 | 5.500000 | 1.575898e+06 | 1.810340e+06 | 236304.000000 | 3.321032e+06 |
max | 36.000000 | 55.000000 | 4.685047e+06 | 8.753792e+06 | 943998.000000 | 1.418160e+07 |
Electoral_Trump 304 Electoral_Clinton 227 Popular_Trump 62984828 Popular_Clinton 65853514 Popular_Others 7830934 Popular_Total 136669276 dtype: int64
So we can see that the electoral votes and popular votes do not favor the same candidate, which was a point of hot debate in the 2016 election; this raised a lot of awareness for the antiquity of the Electoral College system in the United States and caused some movement toward the idea of a Ranked Choice System or similar.
Now, let's create some measures of how conservative or liberal a particular state voted, based off of the popular vote.
elec16_df['Popular_Red_Score'] = elec16_df['Popular_Trump']/elec16_df['Popular_Total']
elec16_df['Popular_Blu_Score'] = 1 - elec16_df['Popular_Red_Score']
State | Electoral_Trump | Electoral_Clinton | Popular_Trump | Popular_Clinton | Popular_Others | Popular_Total | Popular_Red_Score | Popular_Blu_Score | |
0 | AL | 9 | 0 | 1318255 | 729547 | 75570 | 2123372 | 0.620831 | 0.379169 |
['State','Popular_Red_Score']] # Print the state with the highest percentage of
# voters voting for Trump
State WV Popular_Red_Score 0.684988 Name: 48, dtype: object
['State','Popular_Blu_Score']] # Print the state with the highest percentage of
# voters voting for Clinton
State DC Popular_Blu_Score 0.959125 Name: 8, dtype: object
Let's do the same thing with electoral votes, out of curiosity (since we've got them!).
elec16_df['Electoral_Total'] = elec16_df['Electoral_Trump']+elec16_df['Electoral_Clinton']
elec16_df['Electoral_Red_Score'] = elec16_df['Electoral_Trump']/elec16_df['Electoral_Total']
elec16_df['Electoral_Blu_Score'] = 1 - elec16_df['Electoral_Red_Score']
State | Electoral_Trump | Electoral_Clinton | Popular_Trump | Popular_Clinton | Popular_Others | Popular_Total | Popular_Red_Score | Popular_Blu_Score | Electoral_Total | Electoral_Red_Score | Electoral_Blu_Score | |
0 | AL | 9 | 0 | 1318255 | 729547 | 75570 | 2123372 | 0.620831 | 0.379169 | 9 | 1.0 | 0.0 |
px.choropleth(elec16_df, #create a map of how states voted based off pop vote
color_continuous_scale='Rdbu', # this color scale seems to make it easiest to see
labels={'Popular_Blu_Score' : '% Dem'},
title='Popular Vote',
range_color=(0, 1)
We seem to have replicated the election maps that were often published surrounding the 2016 election, so we can decide that we preoperly imported and processed this data so far. While we're at it, we may as well do the same thing for the electoral vote.
px.choropleth(elec16_df, #create a map of how states voted based off pop vote
color_continuous_scale='Rdbu', # this color scale seems to make it easiest to see
labels={'Electoral_Blu_Score' : '% Dem'},
title='Electoral Vote',
range_color=(0, 1)
This also seems to match the election results published around the 2016 election.
Now, let's connect the two sources of data. Let's map someone's liklihood of voting Trump vs Clinton into the masculinity data.
both_df = masc_df.merge(elec16_df[['State', 'Popular_Red_Score', 'Popular_Blu_Score']],
manly_you_feel | important_seen_manly | where_good_man_father | where_good_man_mother | where_good_man_family | where_good_man_popculture | where_good_man_friends | where_good_man_other | society_unhealthy_pressure | often_friend_prof_advice | ... | racethn4 | educ3 | educ4 | age3 | kids | orientation | duration | demog_state2 | chance_Red | chance_Blu | |
0 | Somewhat masculine | Somewhat important | NaN | NaN | NaN | Pop culture | NaN | NaN | Yes | Often | ... | Hispanic | College or more | College or more | 35 - 64 | No children | Gay/Bisexual | 5.0 | NY | 0.365156 | 0.634844 |
1 rows × 98 columns
Now we can look at all of the columns we have, and select the ones we are most interested in. We can then clean up and try looking at a correlation matrix.
['manly_you_feel', 'important_seen_manly', 'where_good_man_father', 'where_good_man_mother', 'where_good_man_family', 'where_good_man_popculture', 'where_good_man_friends', 'where_good_man_other', 'society_unhealthy_pressure', 'often_friend_prof_advice', 'often_friend_pers_advice', 'often_phys_affect_friends', 'often_cry', 'often_phys_fight', 'often_sex_women', 'often_sex_men', 'often_watch_sports', 'often_exercise', 'often_therapist', 'often_feel_lonely', 'worry_height', 'worry_weight', 'worry_hair', 'worry_physique', 'worry_genitals', 'worry_style', 'worry_sex', 'worry_ment_health', 'worry_phys_health', 'worry_finance', 'worry_provide', 'worry_none', 'employment_status', 'advantage_money', 'advantage_seriously', 'advantage_choice', 'advantage_promotion', 'advantage_praise', 'advantage_support', 'advantage_other', 'advantage_none', 'disadvantage_hire_women', 'disadvantage_accused_sexharass', 'disadvantage_accused_sexistracist', 'disadvantage_other', 'disadvantage_none', 'seenharassment_confront', 'seenharassment_hr', 'seenharassment_manager', 'seenharassment_victim', 'seenharassment_nothing', 'seenharassment_neversee', 'seenharassment_other', 'why_no_response', 'heard_metoo', 'behavior_work_metoo', 'first_move', 'try_pay_date', 'whypay_right', 'whypay_makemore', 'whypay_feelgood', 'whypay_societalexpectations', 'whypay_inviterobligation', 'whypay_seeifdateoffers', 'whypay_other', 'physinterest_bodylanguage', 'physinterest_verbalconsent', 'physinterest_makemove', 'physinterest_different', 'physinterest_unclear', 'physinterest_other', 'sexboundaries_wonderpushedtoofar', 'sexboundaries_talkedpushedtoofar', 'sexboundaries_askedpartnerpushedtoofar', 'sexboundaries_none', 'changed_romantic_behavior_metoo', 'demog_married', 'demog_minorchildren', 'demog_adultchildren', 'demog_nokids', 'demog_sexualorientation', 'demog_race', 'demog_education', 'demog_state', 'demog_income', 'demog_region', 'demog_device', 'race2', 'racethn4', 'educ3', 'educ4', 'age3', 'kids', 'orientation', 'duration', 'demog_state2', 'chance_Red', 'chance_Blu']
selection= ['manly_you_feel',
'chance_Blu'] # select interesting columns to analyze
selected=both_df[selection] # copy into new df
cols=['worry_height','worry_weight','worry_ment_health','seenharassment_confront','seenharassment_nothing'] # cols that are alrady dummes from 538
selected[cols] = selected[cols].notna().astype(int) # convert the preceding cols to binary since they were already dummied from 538
selected = pd.get_dummies(selected) # create dummies for the categorical answers
selected.corr() # create a correlation matrix
<ipython-input-232-7f58be24fda6>:25: SettingWithCopyWarning: A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame. Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead See the caveats in the documentation: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/user_guide/indexing.html#returning-a-view-versus-a-copy
worry_height | worry_weight | worry_ment_health | seenharassment_confront | seenharassment_nothing | chance_Red | chance_Blu | manly_you_feel_Not at all masculine | manly_you_feel_Not very masculine | manly_you_feel_Somewhat masculine | ... | demog_race_White | demog_education_Associate's degree | demog_education_College graduate | demog_education_Did not complete high school | demog_education_High school or G.E.D. | demog_education_Post graduate degree | demog_education_Some college | age3_18 - 34 | age3_35 - 64 | age3_65 and up | |
worry_height | 1.000000 | 0.075604 | 0.081325 | 0.041220 | 0.094876 | 0.017997 | -0.017997 | -0.005698 | 0.045565 | -0.007816 | ... | -0.101198 | 0.002512 | 0.019970 | 0.005104 | -0.012139 | 0.001380 | -0.019866 | 0.149044 | -0.002261 | -0.081756 |
worry_weight | 0.075604 | 1.000000 | 0.139601 | 0.005132 | 0.040521 | 0.038940 | -0.038940 | -0.070816 | 0.025916 | 0.091440 | ... | 0.039716 | 0.026617 | -0.000729 | -0.052352 | -0.016341 | 0.057788 | -0.059789 | -0.033790 | 0.056007 | -0.038301 |
worry_ment_health | 0.081325 | 0.139601 | 1.000000 | -0.019759 | 0.035724 | 0.024612 | -0.024612 | 0.024045 | 0.071813 | 0.071196 | ... | 0.005586 | 0.017297 | -0.030251 | -0.000578 | 0.035621 | -0.034205 | 0.037085 | 0.184772 | 0.059781 | -0.165452 |
seenharassment_confront | 0.041220 | 0.005132 | -0.019759 | 1.000000 | 0.033803 | -0.017310 | 0.017310 | -0.024616 | -0.051439 | 0.007086 | ... | 0.006803 | -0.016689 | -0.015710 | -0.019872 | -0.007076 | 0.056133 | -0.023908 | 0.015134 | 0.037769 | -0.047219 |
seenharassment_nothing | 0.094876 | 0.040521 | 0.035724 | 0.033803 | 1.000000 | 0.008548 | -0.008548 | 0.000754 | 0.053227 | 0.014001 | ... | -0.068239 | -0.018648 | 0.049378 | -0.020303 | 0.027254 | -0.052260 | 0.001318 | 0.052064 | 0.094448 | -0.126100 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
demog_education_Post graduate degree | 0.001380 | 0.057788 | -0.034205 | 0.056133 | -0.052260 | -0.064685 | 0.064685 | -0.044185 | -0.005438 | 0.047317 | ... | 0.076083 | -0.207169 | -0.446289 | -0.074864 | -0.214032 | 1.000000 | -0.306422 | -0.096944 | -0.160433 | 0.218996 |
demog_education_Some college | -0.019866 | -0.059789 | 0.037085 | -0.023908 | 0.001318 | 0.039140 | -0.039140 | -0.009071 | -0.004039 | -0.007547 | ... | -0.049023 | -0.149220 | -0.321454 | -0.053923 | -0.154164 | -0.306422 | 1.000000 | 0.023135 | 0.062571 | -0.077135 |
age3_18 - 34 | 0.149044 | -0.033790 | 0.184772 | 0.015134 | 0.052064 | -0.007517 | 0.007517 | 0.102869 | 0.051249 | -0.027142 | ... | -0.153853 | -0.040504 | 0.022175 | 0.005380 | 0.122187 | -0.096944 | 0.023135 | 1.000000 | -0.317744 | -0.238648 |
age3_35 - 64 | -0.002261 | 0.056007 | 0.059781 | 0.037769 | 0.094448 | 0.061491 | -0.061491 | -0.035083 | -0.015235 | 0.019124 | ... | -0.108140 | 0.093076 | 0.019572 | 0.009662 | 0.041382 | -0.160433 | 0.062571 | -0.317744 | 1.000000 | -0.844951 |
age3_65 and up | -0.081756 | -0.038301 | -0.165452 | -0.047219 | -0.126100 | -0.058738 | 0.058738 | -0.022095 | -0.013304 | -0.004276 | ... | 0.197540 | -0.072479 | -0.032554 | -0.012930 | -0.111306 | 0.218996 | -0.077135 | -0.238648 | -0.844951 | 1.000000 |
64 rows × 64 columns
It's a little hard to interpret this. Let's try visualizing it!
corr_matr = selected.corr()
np.fill_diagonal(corr_matr.values, np.nan)
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 10))
sns.heatmap(corr_matr, annot=False, cmap='coolwarm', fmt=".2f")
This is a little tough to explore, so we can reproduce the plot using Plotly-express to make it interactive. This way we can hover and zoom to find interesting points.
fig = px.imshow(corr_matr,
labels=dict(x="Feature", y="Feature", color="Correlation"),
It's interesting to point out that "I never cry and am not open to it," is quite highly correlated (compared to everything else) with "I never show physical affection to my friends and am not open to it," with a correlation of 0.271. Some other interesting correlations are listed below.
We can also explore the min and max of specific variables:
interested_columns = ['chance_Red',
'demog_education_Did not complete high school',
'demog_education_High school or G.E.D.',
'demog_education_College graduate',
'demog_education_Post graduate degree',
'important_seen_manly_Not at all important',
'important_seen_manly_Very important',
for interested in interested_columns:
# Find the column name with the maximum/min correlation to interested:
max_corr_column = corr_matr[interested].idxmax()
min_corr_column = corr_matr[interested].idxmin()
# Find the corresponding maximum/min correlation value:
max_corr_value = corr_matr.loc[interested, max_corr_column]
min_corr_value = corr_matr.loc[interested, min_corr_column]
print(f"The max corr. w/ '{interested}' is found with '{max_corr_column}' with a correlation of {max_corr_value:.2f}.")
print(f"The min corr. w/ '{interested}' is found with '{min_corr_column}' with a correlation of {min_corr_value:.2f}.\n-")
The max corr. w/ 'chance_Red' is found with 'demog_married_Married' with a correlation of 0.06. The min corr. w/ 'chance_Red' is found with 'chance_Blu' with a correlation of -1.00. - The max corr. w/ 'chance_Blu' is found with 'often_phys_affect_friends_Often' with a correlation of 0.08. The min corr. w/ 'chance_Blu' is found with 'chance_Red' with a correlation of -1.00. - The max corr. w/ 'demog_education_Did not complete high school' is found with 'changed_romantic_behavior_metoo_Yes' with a correlation of 0.10. The min corr. w/ 'demog_education_Did not complete high school' is found with 'changed_romantic_behavior_metoo_No' with a correlation of -0.08. - The max corr. w/ 'demog_education_High school or G.E.D.' is found with 'age3_18 - 34' with a correlation of 0.12. The min corr. w/ 'demog_education_High school or G.E.D.' is found with 'demog_education_College graduate' with a correlation of -0.22. - The max corr. w/ 'demog_education_College graduate' is found with 'disadvantage_accused_sexistracist_Greater risk of being accused of being sexist or racist' with a correlation of 0.06. The min corr. w/ 'demog_education_College graduate' is found with 'demog_education_Post graduate degree' with a correlation of -0.45. - The max corr. w/ 'demog_education_Post graduate degree' is found with 'age3_65 and up' with a correlation of 0.22. The min corr. w/ 'demog_education_Post graduate degree' is found with 'demog_education_College graduate' with a correlation of -0.45. - The max corr. w/ 'important_seen_manly_Not at all important' is found with 'manly_you_feel_Not at all masculine' with a correlation of 0.24. The min corr. w/ 'important_seen_manly_Not at all important' is found with 'important_seen_manly_Somewhat important' with a correlation of -0.33. - The max corr. w/ 'important_seen_manly_Very important' is found with 'manly_you_feel_Very masculine' with a correlation of 0.27. The min corr. w/ 'important_seen_manly_Very important' is found with 'important_seen_manly_Somewhat important' with a correlation of -0.30. - The max corr. w/ 'often_cry_Often' is found with 'often_therapist_Often' with a correlation of 0.16. The min corr. w/ 'often_cry_Often' is found with 'often_cry_Rarely' with a correlation of -0.18. - The max corr. w/ 'demog_married_Divorced' is found with 'age3_35 - 64' with a correlation of 0.11. The min corr. w/ 'demog_married_Divorced' is found with 'demog_married_Married' with a correlation of -0.50. - The max corr. w/ 'society_unhealthy_pressure_Yes' is found with 'often_feel_lonely_Often' with a correlation of 0.14. The min corr. w/ 'society_unhealthy_pressure_Yes' is found with 'society_unhealthy_pressure_No' with a correlation of -0.98. - The max corr. w/ 'society_unhealthy_pressure_No' is found with 'often_feel_lonely_Never, and not open to it' with a correlation of 0.15. The min corr. w/ 'society_unhealthy_pressure_No' is found with 'society_unhealthy_pressure_Yes' with a correlation of -0.98. -
It is perhaps most interesting to me that the maximum correlation for someone who did not complete high school is that they did change their romantic bevior in the wake of #MeToo.
Another interesting thing to point out is that men who think it is very important to be seen as masculine are more correlated to believe they are very manly.
It's also interesting to point out that men who feel society puts unhealthy pressure on men are more correlated with men who often feel lonely, and vice versa.
Let's try to build a classification model using the data we have been exploring. We can try to predict someone's feelings/behaviors about masculinity based off of things we know about them.
Let's start off by defining our training data. We should pick characteristics of a hypothetical man we are trying to categorize.
list(selected.columns) # list the columns we were previously working with
['worry_height', 'worry_weight', 'worry_ment_health', 'seenharassment_confront', 'seenharassment_nothing', 'chance_Red', 'chance_Blu', 'manly_you_feel_Not at all masculine', 'manly_you_feel_Not very masculine', 'manly_you_feel_Somewhat masculine', 'manly_you_feel_Very masculine', 'important_seen_manly_Not at all important', 'important_seen_manly_Not too important', 'important_seen_manly_Somewhat important', 'important_seen_manly_Very important', 'disadvantage_accused_sexharass_Greater risk of being accused of sexual harassment', 'disadvantage_accused_sexistracist_Greater risk of being accused of being sexist or racist', 'society_unhealthy_pressure_No', 'society_unhealthy_pressure_Yes', 'often_phys_affect_friends_Never, and not open to it', 'often_phys_affect_friends_Never, but open to it', 'often_phys_affect_friends_Often', 'often_phys_affect_friends_Rarely', 'often_phys_affect_friends_Sometimes', 'often_cry_Never, and not open to it', 'often_cry_Never, but open to it', 'often_cry_Often', 'often_cry_Rarely', 'often_cry_Sometimes', 'often_therapist_Never, and not open to it', 'often_therapist_Never, but open to it', 'often_therapist_Often', 'often_therapist_Rarely', 'often_therapist_Sometimes', 'often_feel_lonely_Never, and not open to it', 'often_feel_lonely_Never, but open to it', 'often_feel_lonely_Often', 'often_feel_lonely_Rarely', 'often_feel_lonely_Sometimes', 'changed_romantic_behavior_metoo_No', 'changed_romantic_behavior_metoo_Yes', 'demog_married_Divorced', 'demog_married_Married', 'demog_married_Never married', 'demog_married_Separated', 'demog_married_Widowed', 'demog_sexualorientation_Bisexual', 'demog_sexualorientation_Gay', 'demog_sexualorientation_Other', 'demog_sexualorientation_Straight', 'demog_race_Asian', 'demog_race_Black', 'demog_race_Hispanic', 'demog_race_Other', 'demog_race_White', "demog_education_Associate's degree", 'demog_education_College graduate', 'demog_education_Did not complete high school', 'demog_education_High school or G.E.D.', 'demog_education_Post graduate degree', 'demog_education_Some college', 'age3_18 - 34', 'age3_35 - 64', 'age3_65 and up']
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
# Defining the training data:
X_train = selected[['chance_Red',
'demog_married_Never married',
"demog_education_Associate's degree",
'demog_education_College graduate',
'demog_education_Did not complete high school',
'demog_education_High school or G.E.D.',
'demog_education_Post graduate degree',
'demog_education_Some college',
'age3_18 - 34',
'age3_35 - 64',
'age3_65 and up']]
y_train = masc_df[['manly_you_feel','society_unhealthy_pressure']]
Some people didn't answer the question, so we need to impute their responses. There are only 14 missing, so we can likely just use frequency to impute.
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
imputer = SimpleImputer(strategy='most_frequent') # choosing frequency as the stratgey
y_train_imp = imputer.fit_transform(y_train) # Impute the missing values
We need to standardize our data since the columns are on various scales.
scaler = StandardScaler()
X_train_sc = scaler.transform(X_train)
Next, we can attempt to fit a 15-Nearest-Neighbors model to the training data.
model = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=15)
model.fit(X_train_sc, y_train_imp)
KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=15)In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
Now, we can create a hypothetical man to test with this model. We have to scale him with the same scaler we used on the training data.
# Creating the test man
x_test = pd.DataFrame()
x_test['demog_married_Never married']=[0]
x_test["demog_education_Associate's degree"]=[1]
x_test['demog_education_College graduate']=[0]
x_test['demog_education_Did not complete high school']=[0]
x_test['demog_education_High school or G.E.D.']=[0]
x_test['demog_education_Post graduate degree']=[0]
x_test['demog_education_Some college']=[0]
x_test['age3_18 - 34']=[0]
x_test['age3_35 - 64']=[1]
x_test['age3_65 and up']=[0]
x_test_sc = scaler.transform(x_test) # Scale with the same scaler.
We can now use the model to predict what this man's response would be to the question, "How manly do you feel?"
prediction = model.predict(x_test_sc)
print(f"Asked how manly he feels: {prediction[:,0]}")
print(f"Asked if society puts unhealthy pressure on men: {prediction[:,1]}")
Asked how manly he feels: ['Very masculine'] Asked if society puts unhealthy pressure on men: ['Yes']
What's really interesting about this is that we can change some of the demographic information and re-run the prediction (the 2 preceding cells) to update the predicition for a different man. If we simply change this man from being Straight to Bisexual, for example, he changes his response for how manly he feels from "Very masculine" to "Somewhat masculine." This can be seen below.
x_test['demog_sexualorientation_Bisexual']=[1] # Changed to Bisexual
x_test_sc = scaler.transform(x_test) # Scale with the same scaler.
prediction = model.predict(x_test_sc)
print(f"Asked how manly he feels: {prediction[:,0]}")
print(f"Asked if society puts unhealthy pressure on men: {prediction[:,1]}")
Asked how manly he feels: ['Somewhat masculine'] Asked if society puts unhealthy pressure on men: ['Yes']
What if we go back above and take the first man but change his odds of voting for Trump to a more liberal place, such as Calif.?
x_test['demog_sexualorientation_Straight']=[1] # Switched back to Straight
x_test['chance_Red']=[.32] # Change to a more CA-like likelihood
x_test_sc = scaler.transform(x_test) # Scale with the same scaler.
prediction = model.predict(x_test_sc)
print(f"Asked how manly he feels: {prediction[:,0]}")
print(f"Asked if society puts unhealthy pressure on men: {prediction[:,1]}")
Asked how manly he feels: ['Somewhat masculine'] Asked if society puts unhealthy pressure on men: ['Yes']
His response changes to "Somewhat masculine," as well. What about if he were from some place such as Washington, D.C.?
x_test['chance_Red']=[.04] # Change to a more DC-like likelihood
x_test_sc = scaler.transform(x_test) # Scale with the same scaler.
prediction = model.predict(x_test_sc)
print(f"Asked how manly he feels: {prediction[:,0]}")
print(f"Asked if society puts unhealthy pressure on men: {prediction[:,1]}")
Asked how manly he feels: ['Very masculine'] Asked if society puts unhealthy pressure on men: ['No']
Interestingly, his response changes for society putting unhealthy pressure on men to "No."
Let's figure out what the training accuracy is. This will help us evaluate the model we have built.
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
y_train_pred = model.predict(X_train_sc)
#accuracy_score(y_train_imp, y_train_pred) # We can't do this because it's predicting two features. Must do indiv. and average.
accuracies = [accuracy_score(y_train_imp[:, i], y_train_pred[:, i]) for i in range(y_train_imp.shape[1])]
However, we have to remember that accuracy is influenced heavily by the distribution of the data provided. Recall that our data is relatively skewed toward higher-population states, for example. So let's use F1 score, instead.
from sklearn.metrics import f1_score
f1 = np.mean([f1_score(y_train_imp[:, i], y_train_pred[:, i], average='weighted') for i in range(y_train_imp.shape[1])])
We can also cross-validate our model over a handful of folds. Since we are working with a multi-output target, this is a lot more complicated than a typical couple-line cross-validation. We have to instead create a custom scorer to average the F1 scores of the different outputs in our model. Then that custom scorer can be used in a pipeline to cross-validate the model and see its average-average F1 score.
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer
def cust_f1(y_true, y_pred): # create custom scorer for averaging average f1
f1_scores = [f1_score(y_true[:, t], y_pred[:, t], average='weighted') for t in range(y_true.shape[1])]
return np.mean(f1_scores)
pipe = Pipeline([ # since we had to impute, we should add it to our pipeline, to cover our bases
('imputer', SimpleImputer(strategy='most_frequent')),
('scaler', StandardScaler()),
('classifier', KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=15))
# cross-validation with custom scorer:
cust_scorer = make_scorer(cust_f1)
cv = cross_val_score(pipe, X_train, y_train_imp, cv=7, scoring=cust_scorer)
avg_f1 = np.mean(cv) # average the average scores
Unfortunately, our model doesn't seem to perform incredibly well. It is at least doing better than half-performance, but it would be preferable for the average F1 score to be closer to 0.6 for a multi-class output such as this model.
However, we have still gleaned some important insights!
According to our data, most men in the United States do believe that society places unhealthy pressure upon them. However, a lot of them still hold unhealthy opinions/attitudes regarding masculinity.
We also learned that men who do not complete high school were more correlated with changing their romantic behavior in the wake of #MeToo than not changing it.
Another interesting point was that men who feel society puts unhealthy pressure upon them were indicated to feel more lonely. This points toward what PAHO identified regarding men being less likely to discuss feelings and seek professional professional help.
Data exploration and insights that can be gleaned from such exercises is greatly important for the future of public health in the Americas, especially regarding men and masculinity. Further exploration, and experimental, longitudinal studies could help provide much deeper discoveries about people's behavior in our modern era, and hopefully result in fewer men dying so early.
from google.colab import drive
Drive already mounted at /content/drive; to attempt to forcibly remount, call drive.mount("/content/drive", force_remount=True).
!ls drive/MyDrive/Colab\ Notebooks/
CMPSFinal.html Lab01.ipynb Lab03.ipynb Lab05.ipynb Lab07.ipynb Lab09.ipynb Lab11.ipynb CMPSFinal.ipynb Lab02.ipynb Lab04.ipynb Lab06.ipynb Lab08.ipynb Lab10.ipynb Lab12.ipynb
jupyter nbconvert --to html drive/MyDrive/Colab\ Notebooks/CMPSFinal.ipynb
[NbConvertApp] Converting notebook drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/CMPSFinal.ipynb to html [NbConvertApp] Writing 1424847 bytes to drive/MyDrive/Colab Notebooks/CMPSFinal.html